Amberjack's Resource Hub for BDO

Your Team

Account Director

Jenny Fitzgerald

Client Partner

Lauren Michael

A headshot of Martin, Head of Assessment at Amberjack.

Head of Assessment

Martin Kavanagh

Screenshot of Amberjack's future talent hub for Liberty Global

Our Future Talent Hub

Future Talent Hub is Amberjack’s “Community of Talent Potential”. The Hub, is introduced to candidates who have yet to secure a role. It keeps users engaged through interactive employability content and connects them with prospective employers and opportunities.

Using the information gathered via Ambertrack, we can target specific groups of candidates and invite them to apply.  The Hub is a great way to help candidates discover new employers and roles they previously would not have considered.  

Our Future Potential Development Report

Amberjack’s Future Potential Assessment combines testing for situational judgement with cognitive and behaviour to create one overall score. This overall score mapped to our model of potential identification. Normally followed by an integrated video interview, this is one of our most effective forms of assessment.

By using this assessment model, employers can reduce their cost to hire, improve their efficiency, increase diversity within their hires and hire better quality candidates.

Screenshot of Amberjack's future potential model profile document
Person holding out grass towards a sheep

Our Targeted Attraction Services

Targeted Attraction focuses on attracting candidates from under-represented backgrounds to apply for roles.  Targeting these specific groups can be done via universities, societies and third party databases. 

Some common groups targeted by this form of attraction include ethnicity, gender, sexuality, socio-economic and disabilities. This form of Attraction can be customised to an employer’s brief and/or needs.

Our Learning and Development Offering

With our suite of development products and programmes we can help you to identify the needs of your new hires and customise their development journey to meet both individual and organisational needs. We are one of the only UK suppliers of a full end to end early talent offering allowing us to design and deliver solutions that support through on-boarding, induction and over the course of your graduate training programmes.

Our development programs focus on taking your new hires from their first few working months through to positions of leadership.  Your organisation can also pick and choose specific modules to personalise your hires’ journey.   

We can deliver programmes either virtually or in person, allowing for maximum flexibility for your organisation!

3 people interviewing a woman with 1 man showing something to the interviewee on their laptop

Latest News & Insights

Are you ready to build your talent pool?

We are operating in a candidate-led market, so it’s important to make sure you’re doing everything you can to attract the best candidates to your organisation. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

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